Zero Down USDA Home Loans and How They Work

Coming up with a down payment is usually one of the biggest obstacles for new homebuyers but with the inclusion of the USDA loan, many first-time homebuyers can purchase a property in rule areas with zero down. Here’s how they work. USDA loan is a mortgage...
Where Do I Start When Applying for a Home Loan?

Where Do I Start When Applying for a Home Loan?

We can write for days on the differences in home loans, options, rates, and points but if you have no idea where to start, all of this information can go right over your head. We want to make home buying and the application process easy and very clear. So, what is the...

The 20% Down Payment Myth

Gone are the days where you absolutely, positively need a 20% down payment in order to qualify for a home loan. This is a myth that has been perpetuated over the last 10, 20, even 30 years, and although we are through the subprime mortgage fiasco of 10 years ago,...

Benefits to Owning a Home Vs. Renting

Considering a move? We want to talk about the benefits of renting versus owning. There are many reasons to purchase real estate, not just for the idea of homeownership. Buying has many great benefits that extend beyond the initial purchase. Here are five major...