What is APR and How Will It Affect My Rate?

What is APR and How Will It Affect My Rate?

If you’re shopping for a home loan or even a refinance you may have heard the term APR, which stands for annual percentage rate. The annual percentage rate represents the true cost of the home loan. This includes the mortgage fees amortized over the life of the loan....

Can I Still Get a Home Loan with Poor Credit?

This is probably one of the most common questions we get. People are wondering whether or not they can still get a mortgage or a home loan even if they have less than perfect credit. Many people feel that homeownership is simply out of reach if they have had poor...

Most Common HELOC Questions Answered

Do you know that most Americans have more equity in their home than they think? According to Corelogic’s most recent Homeowner Equity Insights Report, US homeowners with a mortgage gained an average of just over $16,000 or about 12% and home equity from 2017 to...

What Does Buying Down Your Rate Mean?

Have you heard the term “buying down your interest rate”? If you’re shopping around for a mortgage this question may have come up in conversation with potential mortgage advisors and lenders. But what exactly does it mean? When you apply for a home...

What Happens If You’re Turned Down for a Mortgage?

Nobody likes to admit it but at some point, almost all of us have been declined for a loan at some point. What happens if you’re turned down for a mortgage when you feel leave done everything right, saved a little bit of money and have your credit under control?...