Zero Down Home Loans in New Jersey

You want to buy a house and each month you can easily make your rental payment but saving for that down payment is just too difficult. You’ve heard claims that buying is sometimes cheaper than renting and for the same price as rent you can potentially own a...

The 20% Down Payment Myth

Gone are the days where you absolutely, positively need a 20% down payment in order to qualify for a home loan. This is a myth that has been perpetuated over the last 10, 20, even 30 years, and although we are through the subprime mortgage fiasco of 10 years ago,...

Are Zero Down Home Loans a Good Idea?

Zero down loans, the bane of the housing crisis. It means that from Day One homeowners are underwater. If everything is wrapped into the loan including the down payment and closing costs, this will put the price of the home over the actual value and homeowners now owe...